Thursday, March 25, 2010

Get ready for National Spring Cleaning week!

Well I would say this goes hand in hand with my recent theme. I have been busily working away in my home...and I have also been computerless for most of this last week. But I'm back! Aww...I know you missed me. :) So, on to the important stuff...

Are you starting your spring cleaning this week? Are you planning on doing any at all? Do you have any tips that you can share with us? Here is a website from last years big
Spring Cleaning week. As someone who needs to be accountable, I am about to share my accomplishments and goals.

Remember the kids' books and all that mess? That is such a problem area in our house. Everything is moved to it's proper place and books are sorted and weeded through, but it is still a constant mess. *sigh* I was hoping reorganizing would solve the problem but that isn't meant to be. Now I know it will always be a challenge and be ready for it. I also cleaned out my clothes and closet, along with the kids. Winter clothes got packed away and summer clothes came out to play in the dresser drawers. Part of this effort involves trying clothes on. Not such a big deal for the kids, but for me? I have been working out with P90X and watching what I'm eating very carefully. Never the less that is not a miracle and I have a lot of hard work ahead of me. For now, I am topping the scales at the heaviest I have ever been, even while pregnant. Sorting through my clothes was thoroughly depressing. I think the most depressing part is that I will have to get some summer clothes that fit my "new" body. There is no way I will lose the weight I need to before I need something to wear besides the one pair of jeans that I have that fit and some sweatshirts. I am so freakin' motivated that by the end of the summer I will be one hot mamma. I hope.. I pray.. I beg

This morning I shampooed my front room carpet! I normally don't use shampoo ever and stick with hot water rinses, but my carpet needed it this time. After that the kids and I moved outside to clean up the back yard and back patio. We were super productive. Does that mean that I get to take the rest of the week off? Oh wait, no, wrong idea...I'm supposed to keep going strong. What is next? Tonight I do the carpets in the family room and tomorrow I clean out the garage. Wish me luck! And good luck to you too. :o)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guilty pleasure

I just wanted to post this somewhere that I can go to frequently and watch it over and over again. :o)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Frogs, shoes, beds and aprons.

How do you start out your day? In my quest to become a more successful homemaker I am exploring it all. Here are a few things I have come across in my search. Basically, the idea is the same behind it all.

Eat your frog! Look at that cute little guy. Can't you just imagine swallowing him whole? Yuck, no. So, you need to start out your day doing your least favorite job. Eat your frog first thing and everything after that is a bonus.

Get dressed! Whether you are going out for the day or staying in, get dressed. And that means right down to your shoes. Put them on and lace them up. You are ready to go. Personally I prefer a sensible pair of heels to sneakers, but whatever floats your boat. :)

Make your bed as soon as you get out of it. Don't put it off and don't ignore that chore as being unimportant. Along these same lines, clean your sink before bed. Wake up and made your bed and have a sparkly clean sink at the end of
the day.

I have tried it all in an effort to motivate myself to have an extremely productive day. Through trial and error I think I have found what works best for me. I put my apron on. The other day I was chatting on the phone with a friend and mentioned putting my apron on. She knows me well and started laughing, saying "watch out, Mandy's getting busy!"